Range Hours
Daily - 9 a.m. to 30 minutes before Sunset. Weekly range closing times are posted on the club calendar (each Wednesday).
Pistol Range
The pistol range has target stands at ranges of 7 yards, 10 yards and 15 yards. Paper targets are available in the metal box at the range or you may bring your own paper targets. There is a dueling tree on the range for our use. You must display your current Membership Card when using the Handgun range. If your card is not displayed and you are questioned by an Officer, Trustee, or Member of the club and you do not respond with a civil answer you may be dismissed from the club immediately. Please police your brass and place in box at range.
Rifle Range
The rifle range has target stands at ranges of 25 yards, 50 yards, 100 yards, and 200 yards. Paper targets are available in the metal box at the range or you may bring your own paper targets. If you wish to hear freedom ring, use the provided steel targets at each distance. Use of the manually operated Red Downrange Safety Light is required. You must display your current Membership Card when using the Rifle ranges. If your card is not displayed and you are questioned by an Officer, Trustee, or Member of the club; please respond in a civil manner or you may be dismissed from the club immediately.
Archery Range
Located by the clubhouse is an outdoor archery range. You must display your current Membership Card when using the Archery range. If your card is not displayed and you are questioned by an Officer, Trustee, or Member of the club; please respond in a civil manner or you may be dismissed from the club immediately.
Trap House
There are two trap houses on the property. An upper trap house located by the clubhouse and a lower trap house located by the rifle range. The upper trap range may be used by members who bring their own thrower and clay birds during Range Use Hours. You must display your current Membership Card when using the Trap range. If your card is not displayed and you are questioned by an Officer, Trustee, or Member of the club; please respond in a civil manner or you may be dismissed from the club immediately. Please be aware of Rifle Range shooters who may travel down range to the 200 yard targets!!!!
Lebanon County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
National Shooting Sports Foundation
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Single Action Shooting Society (SASS)
Mailing Address:
Heidelberg Sportsmen's Association P. O. Box 107 Schaefferstown, PA 17088 GPS Address: 20 Sportsman Lane Newmanstown, PA 17073 Physical Location: Schaefferstown, PA 17088 Elevation: 475 feet above sea level for ballistic calibration |