Steel Challenge
This is formerly our rim-fire challenge. The steel challenge is now open to rim-fire and center fire handguns as well as pistol caliber carbines. Our steel challenge consists of 5 courses of fire on 5 (4 white and 1 red) steel plates at various distances and stage layouts. The object is to shoot the 4 white plates then the red stop plate all while on the clock. You will shoot each course of fire 3 times and your best time will be used to equal your match score.
You will only be allowed 10 rounds of ammunition loaded in your firearm at the start of each string of fire. Only 150 rounds or less of ammunition is all that is needed for each firearm. It is best if you have a minimum of 3 magazines for each firearm or have speed loaders for your revolvers.
This is an excellent event for the entire family to spend a together at the range, or for those who have a carry pistol and want to test your skills with what you carry. (No Steel Core Ammunition or Magnum Calibers allowed)
Cost: $15 for age 18 and above. $10 for age 10-17. Reshoots are $10. Pre-Registration is appreciated by using the registration link below for each upcoming shoot. Walk-in registrations accepted until noon.
Firearms: Pistol: Revolver or Semi Auto
Rifle: Any Action
Ammo: .22 Rimfire or Centerfire Pistol Cartridges
Pistol Only OPEN-Iron Sights
Pistol Only OPTIC-Optics or Lasers
Rifle Only OPEN-Iron Sights
Rifle Only OPTIC-Optics or Lasers
OPEN-Semi Firearms with Iron Sights
OPTIC-Semi Firearms with Optics or Lasers (one or both firearms equipped)
Manually Operated-Iron Sight Revolvers and Bolt, Lever, Pump Rifles
April 27, 2025-10AM-Registration |
Scorecard |
May 25, 2025-10AM |
Scorecard |
June 22, 2025-10AM |
Scorecard |
July 27, 2025-10AM |
Scorecard |
August 24, 2025-10AM |
Scorecard |
September 28, 2025-10AM- |
Scorecard |
October 26, 2025-10AM |
Scorecard |